A big part of working smarter and more proactively is being willing to invest the productive overhead where it belongs – at the point of creation – so we can execute excellently at the point of delivery at some pre-determined time in the future.

A big part of that is being able to marshal the appropriate information we need to execute the task at hand, rather than go hunting for that information when the time comes to do the task.

That’s where the ability of Microsoft Outlook to integrate with other programmes helps you be more efficient and effective. One simple integration tool is the Hyperlink functionality.

So, next time you have to do your expenses or that report or perhaps work on a project work stream just build a hyperlink to that information within your Outlook Calendar or Task item. Here’s how

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  1. In Microsoft Outlook 2007 and 2010 simply place your cursor into the notes area of your calendar or task form
  2. Go to the toolbar of your form and hit the ‘Insert’ tab then hit the Hyperlink button.
  3. Marvel at the fact you can insert hyperlinks to individual files or your whole expenses or project folders!

If you are still using Microsoft Outlook 2003 see this post to help you force Outlook 2003 to let you insert a hyperlink to a Folder

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