‘What can you do right now, knowing that tomorrow will be yesterday in 2 days time?’ Richard Maybury

Isn’t it amazing how much we can achieve as the quarter-end bears down on us? What is it about quarter-end that turns us into super-achievers? How can we harness that power for the first 8 or 9 weeks of the quarter?

As quarter-end approaches, a whole pile of external drivers exert themselves upon us – the public goal or quota, the deadline, the urgency, the reward (positive or negative!), the reputation we carry. We then respond to these by applying increased focus, judgement, determination, skill and effort to the tasks in hand.

Most people I work with, when they are honest with themselves, admit that they feel they do not work as hard in the early part of the quarter as they do in the last weeks because they don’t feel as pressured. When asked, they also agree that, with improved workload management, they can smooth out the highs and the lows of their fluctuating activity levels. BUT and it is a big BUT – what about the buzz, the adrenalin-rush, the sense of power and achievement, the sheer exhilaration of winning the battle, the blood pumping through the proud heart and the fists triumphantly punching the air? What about that stuff? we are human, after all!!!

Super-achievers are Priority Managers from day 1 to day 90.

Here’s 6 things I find that super achievers do more and better than ordinary winners:

1Yes, they are human, and human Super-achievers tap into their internal strengths and replace external drivers with internal ones more successfully than ordinary achievers.

2They know that it is easier to manage their Activities than it is to manage Results. Their results are ‘potential’, their activities are ‘practical’.

3They know WHY they are working towards their objectives, they have welded their personal wins more strongly to their achievements than any externally generated measure or recognition can match.

4They create their own sense of internal urgency by breaking down annual goals to quarterly, to monthly to daily targets

5They manage their daily activities against their daily plan, focusing on the tasks, projects and opportunities that will generate outstanding results, and say ‘no’ or ‘not now’ to everything else

6They can, and do, get to the quarter end with more control, less stress and at an overall lower personal cost than many of their peers.

So can you! Manage your priorities from day 1 to day 90

Of course, you can always contact us directly to tailor a support programme to your needs.

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