I was reading how Morgan Stanley were holding off on their decision to upgrade to BlackBerry10 on Bloomberg over the weekend, and it got me thinking.

So I ran a research project here on iPhone vs BlackBerry usage by the people we support (click to tweet this) Here are the results:

On some of my workload and time management training programmes where we specifically link our proven productivity attitudes and behaviours to our clients’ email, calendar and tasking toolset, I provide supplementary guides for driving productivity behaviours into mobile devices.

Back in the day, and until relatively recently, this was exclusively BlackBerry. Most of my work is with companies as opposed to individuals, so iPhone support only started to feature as companies became more relaxed about mobiles through BYOD and other drivers.

So I simply looked at the number of iPhone/iPad supplements we provided to our clients’ people versus BlackBerry supplements this year up to the end of July.

Whilst the shift was no way near the dramatic market collapse of BlackBerry’s market share to 2.9% of global device shipments in Q213 as reported by IDC, there has been a sizable shift among our clients.

Our iPhone supplements have been increasingly popular. From an almost 100% BlackBerry request dominance the ratios for supplements provided during January to July this year show 62% iPhone and 38% BlackBerry.

That’s a big shift which leads me to wonder when will the BlackBerry decline from market leader to 2.9% also-ran make it to Business School case studies and the inevitable Business Book top seller list? I’m sure business school researchers and book authors are already beavering away at it!

Many companies have retained loyalty to BlackBerry for good reasons but I wonder how many, like Morgan Stanley, are seriously reconsidering their future mobile investments.

I’d love to know what you think or know about  this ….. drop a comment below if you wish.

Till next time,


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