Email is making you stupid

By |2017-10-13T11:04:09+01:00July 8th, 2010|Leveraging Microsoft Outlook for time priority and workload management|

As we manage demanding workloads, juggle multiple projects and manage competing priorities, email is always near the top of the list of productivity challenges that most of us face every day. Whilst it can be a productivity enabler, it is more often cited as the biggest contributor to information overload and the insidious destroyer [...]

How to access network folders in one click with outlook 2007 in Windows XP

By |2010-04-07T07:34:04+01:00April 7th, 2010|Leveraging Microsoft Outlook for time priority and workload management|

You need regular access to a particular folder within your Windows XP computer or network library to do your work or file new emails. You don’t want to navigate your way through the folder system (especially on the network!) each time. Here’s how to achieve that with Outlook 2007 on [...]

How to access network folders in one click with outlook 2007 in Windows 7

By |2010-04-07T07:21:33+01:00March 17th, 2010|Leveraging Microsoft Outlook for time priority and workload management|

 You need regular access to a particular folder within your computer or network library to do your work or file new emails. You don’t want to navigate your way through the folder system (especially on the network!) each time. Here’s how to achieve that with Outlook 2007. […]

Outlook email Rule: How to automatically file sent mails

By |2010-04-26T17:28:51+01:00October 12th, 2009|Leveraging Microsoft Outlook for time priority and workload management|

Would you like Microsoft Outlook to automatically file emails you send into your chosen folders? Our reputational and commercial risk is recorded more in our ‘sent’ emails than in our received mails. Many people have elaborate Outlook folder structures to file received emails, yet they pile their sent mails in [...]

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